English Engelska الإنجليزيّة
Experts said they'll be a perfect couple.
Just need to work on a few issues.
Like asking questions and listening
and uttering their needs and feelings.
Not so difficult. Once the ring is on
communication skills can grow strong.
Experts matched them based on attraction.
And attraction they can find with an open mind.
Just need to learn that the perfect one
can look and smell and walk and talk
very different from what you asked for.
Remember: someone is better than being alone.
Experts promised marriage would be long.
Just ignore the feeling that says it's wrong.
And do not divorse for any little cause.
Things like murder is not okay of course.
But cheating a bit and lying sometimes
and smashing porcelain is not a big crime.
Experts expected sex to be hot like the sun.
That is: how the sun feels in Sweden this month.
Actually, April has given us Swedes a record.
Coldest night since thirty years in the north.
I know we prefer sunny beaches over snow.
But recall, mediocre sex beats no sex at all.
Experts presented the pair to tie the knot.
They definitely thought outside the box.
He has lived a hard life and never travelled.
He's had more rainy days than most can handle.
She is soft, dressed in red and raised in Spain.
Wedding bells ring for Strawberry and Floor drain.
Just need to work on a few issues.
Like asking questions and listening
and uttering their needs and feelings.
Not so difficult. Once the ring is on
communication skills can grow strong.
Experts matched them based on attraction.
And attraction they can find with an open mind.
Just need to learn that the perfect one
can look and smell and walk and talk
very different from what you asked for.
Remember: someone is better than being alone.
Experts promised marriage would be long.
Just ignore the feeling that says it's wrong.
And do not divorse for any little cause.
Things like murder is not okay of course.
But cheating a bit and lying sometimes
and smashing porcelain is not a big crime.
Experts expected sex to be hot like the sun.
That is: how the sun feels in Sweden this month.
Actually, April has given us Swedes a record.
Coldest night since thirty years in the north.
I know we prefer sunny beaches over snow.
But recall, mediocre sex beats no sex at all.
Experts presented the pair to tie the knot.
They definitely thought outside the box.
He has lived a hard life and never travelled.
He's had more rainy days than most can handle.
She is soft, dressed in red and raised in Spain.
Wedding bells ring for Strawberry and Floor drain.