English Engelska الإنجليزيّة
Batman, you poor
sufferer of the tradition
into which you were born
I see your dismal condition
Oh pitiful oppressed victim
Batman, it is not a sin
to show some skin
It is not a disgrace
to show your face
In hell you will not rot
if you take off that black cloth
Batman, it is twenty twenty four
That superhero dress code
is dated, non-modern an old
Therefore, I enact a new law
compelling you: take off your clothes
Male superheroes must reveal it all
Batman, you may be big and strong
but afraid to dress the way you want
That is why my new decree declare
exactly what superheroes are to wear
No more black cotton suit, no no no
Just the one in which you were born
sufferer of the tradition
into which you were born
I see your dismal condition
Oh pitiful oppressed victim
Batman, it is not a sin
to show some skin
It is not a disgrace
to show your face
In hell you will not rot
if you take off that black cloth
Batman, it is twenty twenty four
That superhero dress code
is dated, non-modern an old
Therefore, I enact a new law
compelling you: take off your clothes
Male superheroes must reveal it all
Batman, you may be big and strong
but afraid to dress the way you want
That is why my new decree declare
exactly what superheroes are to wear
No more black cotton suit, no no no
Just the one in which you were born