English Engelska الإنجليزيّة
After washing the dishes,
she rinsed the plates carefully,
so that no drop of dish soap water
would ever reach the food she ate.
She sometimes drove twice the distance
in order to avoid left turns.
Dark and rainy nights she drove
half the speed limit.
A few times a year
when something difficult happened
she shouted hoarsely:
I can't stand it
After washing the dishes,
I rinse the plates repeatedly.
Every drop of dish soap water
should be removed and also
the drops that touched those drops
and to be on the safe side
the drops that touched them.
I don't drive.
A few times a day
I shout with my sore throat:
she rinsed the plates carefully,
so that no drop of dish soap water
would ever reach the food she ate.
She sometimes drove twice the distance
in order to avoid left turns.
Dark and rainy nights she drove
half the speed limit.
A few times a year
when something difficult happened
she shouted hoarsely:
I can't stand it
After washing the dishes,
I rinse the plates repeatedly.
Every drop of dish soap water
should be removed and also
the drops that touched those drops
and to be on the safe side
the drops that touched them.
I don't drive.
A few times a day
I shout with my sore throat: