English Engelska الإنجليزيّة
What's that sound?
Rodents creeping in the night?
No, it's me stroking my calculator.
Oh those buttons!
A thrill for my fingertips.
Fat, bulging and far apart.
I don't need to worry about pressing the wrong button.
The touch sound is genuine - soft and rustling.
I can even twist the buttons.
Then the five's belly looks puffy
the eight seems relaxed
and the three makes a dance move.
I admit, I am envious of my friend.
Oh being able to choose what to save in memory.
Oh to be able to remove anything from memory.
And to remember exactly as it was.
Life as a human would be so much easier
if I had M+, M- and MC.
Rodents creeping in the night?
No, it's me stroking my calculator.
Oh those buttons!
A thrill for my fingertips.
Fat, bulging and far apart.
I don't need to worry about pressing the wrong button.
The touch sound is genuine - soft and rustling.
I can even twist the buttons.
Then the five's belly looks puffy
the eight seems relaxed
and the three makes a dance move.
I admit, I am envious of my friend.
Oh being able to choose what to save in memory.
Oh to be able to remove anything from memory.
And to remember exactly as it was.
Life as a human would be so much easier
if I had M+, M- and MC.